Friday, December 16, 2011

woes r us

The Independent has a thumbnail review of Atalante's album Reliquie di Roma I: Lamentarium on Nimbus.  Atalante is an Erin Headley project -- she plays lirone and wears silver shoes, two qualities the Thirdfloorian delegation find admirable.  Full dope here and here.  For the person on your Christmas list whose Seasonal Affective Disorder needs that post-Monteverdian sparkly.


  1. Did you see this?

    Ann Hallenberg's husband posted this the other day on his Facebook. He's a fan of EH too.

  2. so goth ;)

    Who's Ann Hallenberg's husband? That girl needs a wiki.

  3. His name is Holger, he's a musicologist, a hands-on dad, a super-decent dude, almost exactly my age and through some twist of online interaction, we ended up Facebook-friending.

    AH doesn't have a wiki page?! Needs redressing, yes.
