Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday posting from the Ministry of Noise

It's been one of those days, so we'll end it with Christine Collister and Lal Waterson

Midnight Feast


  1. New to me ..... like it.
    Hope the day improved!

  2. You know the old line from Blackadder "Shall I prepare the guest room for Mister Cock-Up, my lord?" It's going to be a long haul, I'm afraid.

    Lal Waterson wrote what the Thirdfloorian Library would categorize as Art Songs of Yorkshire. "Fine Horseman" is probably the best known of them -- in the right hands it reminds me of the Ravel/Mallarmé stuff Dawn Upshaw did on The Girl with Orange Lips. This one, on the other hand, belongs on the soundtrack of True Blood. Sing it on the bus and people will look at you weird.

    Anyway I thought I'd see if it could banish demons.

    1. Demons banished?

    2. No such luck, but Handel + headphones + game face seems to keep them at bay.

    3. Through urban dictionary I now understand game face.
