Wednesday, February 18, 2015


  1. Replies
    1. I decided we needed some color around here :-)

      This is from December. The Christmas cactus actually bloomed at Christmas this time.

  2. You mean you manage to keep a Christmas cactus from year to year?

    1. Uh, yeah, is that not supposed to happen, or is this some strange mutation?

  3. It is supposed to happen but I often manage to kill off indoor plants, especially those given as Christmas gifts and the instruction tab has been removed.
    I do, however, have a certain amount of luck with orchids.

    1. Wait, don't orchids require insane skills or some kind of really spiffy aura or something?

      I think Christmas cacti basically like neglect. And cold. And not too much light, nor too little. Ditto water. Avoid blunt force trauma -- that's what killed my mom's, it was knocked over in a hurricane. This one is a descendent of that one (which was a descendent of her grandmother's). It took years to bloom and it was more of an Advent cactus until this year. It has seven siblings, so in about twenty years we should be cooking with gas on the Christmas cactus front.

  4. My spiffy aura is renouned in these parts.
