Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday Night in the Archives

Head this way for the archived edition of last Saturday's Boston Symphony Rosenkavalier (Fleming, Graham, Morley, Hawlata, c. Nelsons).


  1. really lovely. though I want a cut that's act 1, the opening of act 2, and the last 20 or so minutes of act 3. :-)

  2. and also Octavian leaves with the Marschallin, but maybe that's just me. :-)

    1. haha, yes!

      Der Rosenkavalier, The Sequel: Octavian Comes to His (um her) Senses

    2. Ten years on. Der Feldmarschall ist t-o-t tot. (Hunting accident, terribly, terribly tragic.) The Marschallin has a nice Palast all to herself -- not in the middle of things, perhaps, but not so far off the beaten path as to be a recluse. Entanglements have come and gone, but she can't quite shake the memory of that one...

      Count Rofrano has been abroad in Europe, an officer in the army (blah blah War of Austrian Succession, etc etc...), having left Sophie behind...who, after a couple of years of running her own show, is perfectly happy to continue to do so without interference from The Title. Well, she was always her own creature. Octavian, tired of years of pointless slaughter in the name of Names, comes limping back to Vienna, but not quite all the way back. Of course there's home, home is always the intent, but there's this recurring memory of that last morning, not that either of them thought it would be the last morning...and someone said she was living up there now, terrible what happened to the Feldmarschall, perhaps it would be all right to pay respects, what's the worst that could happen...

