Tuesday, July 5, 2011

so then the question is

what do the parents think whose kids have been involved in this production and will now be disappointed, and how many of those parents, if the opportunity were there, would bring their kids across the line in spite of the school's ruling?

Update:  performance is reinstated, questions remain, lawsuits to follow?


  1. i'm not racist, some of my best friends are................

    i'm not homophobic, some of my best friends are...............

    i'm not misogynistic, some of my best friends are..............

    i'm not a bigot, some of my best friends are.......

    that is how the WORLD operates. not me not me not me. no one is to blame.

  2. Well, of course there are people to blame, because Mr Hall won't fix the libretto to make it understandable to four year olds and school administrators. Clearly he's trying to push his radical homosexual agenda on the rest of us, and should be clapped in irons.
