Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So if I've been too much with the posting of videos in the last couple of months (we understand that this is looked on as something of a cop-out in critical blogospheric circles), it has a lot to do with missing the spring season of everything by way of an extended vacation involving having some bits of viscera removed / reading Buddenbrooks b/w The Hunger Games / finally watching all of The Wire (these things more or less simultaneously), then other stuff happening. I hope summer will be a different story. The agenda so far involves the Old Songs Festival this weekend, The Imaginary Invalid at Bard Summerscape in July, and The Tempest in Lenox in August, with a road trip to DC for the tail end of the Miró show at the National Gallery moved from the "Hey, why don't we..." column to the "Absolute Likelihood Carved in Nerf Material" column.

Wishlisted but not yet acted upon are Sequentia's The Rheingold Curse at Tanglewood, July 12; other Bardish Summerscapery things; and divers Glimmerglass adventures, on hold until we hear if they've got an orchestra or if it will be Aida arranged for piano and picket line. That very last bit would be a deal-breaker, I'm afraid, socialist oligarchy that we are.

No doubt there's loads of other things I've forgotten about as well. And there are all the fabulous in-doorsy things our wondrous calculating machines make possible, that our persons may become more green and scaly, and our retinas less acquainted with the sun.

Update: Speaking of Tanglewood and the wonders of technology, NYT reports they're celebrating 75 with, among other things, digital free stuff for the masses

Update: Access Digital Tanglewood here.


  1. Digital Tanglewood - cool!

    I hope the bits-of-viscera-removal was not too awful & that recovery was speedy.

  2. Totally! I dl'd the Otello but haven't listened yet.

    Aw thanks! Just one of those milestones on the road to cronedom. I quite enjoyed three weeks enforced "idleness" and came very close to starting Magic Mountain but quickly realized it would have been the end of my "productive member of society" phase.
