Friday, August 17, 2012

How to get to Glimmerglass

Cross the cloud-deck'd heights of V'ville

and D'burg's airy regions of light

through invading hosts of the dreaded Purple Loosestrife

- following a pickup is a good bet -

ever westward-ish

down straightways so belov'd of all New Englanders

past verdant fields dotted with cows, sheep, haystacks and homemade anti-Obama signs,

beyond the hills

and the vernacular architecture

you're there


  1. Arriving in time for Armide.

  2. Ha! Good guess, but Lost in the Stars. Armide is the next expedition.

  3. Hurray for photo reportage!

    Saw Armide when they opened it here; great singing, but a typical OA staging... For those who like that sort of thing, that is the sort of thing they like.

    1. Well, it'll have the benefit of novelty for the rest of us. And since Glimmerglass is dispensing with baroque opera altogether next year, I guess we won't have to worry about the novelty wearing thin. (smh, as the young people say.)

    2. Isaw OA's Armide back in 2005. It's most notable for Amour in a rather remarkable pair of underpants.

    3. Something to look forward to! Will they be as remarkable seven years on? Watch this space...
