Friday, February 5, 2016

sundry items

Vivaldi's Catone in Utica, with Ann Hallenberg, Roberta Invernizzi, and Anett Fritsch (soprano Caesar, yo) is here tomorrow (Feb 6) on Radio 4 Netherlands at the, for some of us, somewhat ungodly hour of 6am ET, but possibly archived here for a week. h/t Dr T for the headsup.

The operacentric trend in literature continues with Alexander Chee's new novel The Queen of the Night. You can read the first chapter here, and then pick it up from somewhere other than Amazon, if you feel so moved and if such a thing is still possible by the time you read this.

Rokia Traoré has a new album out and you can stream the whole thing for a limited time courtesy of NPR First Listen


  1. what the hell is that hour!! i just realized!! i hope there's a stash somewhere we can re-listen later... or may be it's a good time i fire up the "scheduling capture" to see if it works!
    (one can also head over to A.Hallenberg public facebook site for some really nice photos of the hall and rehearsal.. gosh i loooove the sight of the theorbo, makes one feel right at home..)
    (ps- i heard it's snowing on your side? we have a shocking cold spell... 7C (47F) here...)

    1. Not to worry, I will probably still be up at that hour. But you should test out your technological capabilities!

      No snow here, it's hugging the coast. But it'll be dry and ugly here by summer if we don't get something.

    2. btw, this tomorrow, down in your neck of the woods.

    3. oh, thanks for the reminder... i saw that.. and then checked the bus ride... some 1.5hr plus some more distance walking :-)
      (boss and I are the only people playing with the transitApp on our phones catching buses...)

    4. i take it back, only 1/2 hr bus ride, with the station right outside my window and 5min walking to the church!! I should go!!

    5. ps3: i might not be able to go afterall! there's a bus there but not a bus back :D (why would bus stop running at 9.30pm???)

    6. Ah, I see, it's seven miles as the cow flies.

  2. but hey could move the concert 1 hr earlier, then i'd manage the bus.. i should leave this comment in their box :D
    in case you want a direct link again, here it is: . normally i get these links from places like this: , and am interested in that because i have a command line thingy for mplayer that captures it raw without any additional software... whereas if it's a player on net, then need to play plus capture using another software with some compression.. just mentioning it coz i now passing out and doubt i can be up at 5hr.. and this techno thing with timer only works if i play the internet player *now* and through the night... but i want to sleep :D

  3. oh, i forgot to mention, you can also open that direct mp3 link using vlc and it plays like you re playing a file from your computer :-) (File -> Open Network, then paste it website direct link)

    1. This round is likely going to be 128k bc I'm using iRecord on the Mac. Something is hosed up with the pc, maybe it got the Windows 10 auto-download...

    2. update: I had a little extra time, so I tried the vlc route on the pc, but couldn't get the stream to load and don't have enough time to troubleshoot. So I'm just using Radio 4's player, and hoping my pc doesn't burst into flames.

    3. update 2: Not to restate the obvious or anything, but Ann Hallenberg has amazing superpowers.

    4. just woke up! will search for stash following your link... (if not i will spy on you :-), oh, and i haven't touched carlos yet :D , not 2nd half of trionfo even! this past wk including this weekend need to do major readings for deadlines hence all music put on hold.. but must search for stash now..

    5. No rush, Carlos isn't going anywhere, and maybe the Trionfo will pop up somewhere else as a more resounding victory ;)

    6. yes, for the record, A.Hallenberg is amazing! (confirming your thought.., she is singing that aria right before the break just around mark 2hr if my hearing is working properly). And again, for some reason, R.Invernizzi just got me the wrong way for some reason...

    7. ps: there is a wav file of trionfo if you want to mess with it. Let me know.

    8. but i think the raw source was crap? (same rai crap? :-) ), i think it's ok for now, i'm laboring through the 2nd half of Utica.. (and having to hold off the urges to switch to Juditha :D )

    9. Given that RAI historically doesn't seem to care about mic quality or placement, I'm guessing any improvement of wav file over mp3, or this stream versus that stream, will be miniscule if they suck out of the box. But I haven't had a chance to compare, so that's just conjecture on my part :)

    10. i might request at a later date ;-)
      (i gave up on Utica.. and switched to A.Hallenberg singing Juditha, much more swing to work with)

  4. Missed the broadcast, but I am definitely going to make use of that link!

    1. Glad it's there! If you haven't figured this out already, and you are pressed for time, the actual performance starts an hour in.

  5. here comes the hunter of mp3 raw file :D
    (from link Stray provided above.. then probe around for actual file:)

    1. Such the techie you are! :P

    2. but i'm really surprised you can not simply play the link via vlc! can you try with this link just for the heck of it? :-)
      it's because the original direct link i gave you is 192kb quality! in fact normally i search for the radio name followed by mp3 + 128kb to hunt for higher quality direct links.
      (ps- i'm happy they keep the interview of A.Marçon without dubbing, though Dutch is quite cute :D )

    3. WOW, simone Kermes!!! i didn't see that before!!

    4. VLC sometimes works on the pc and sometimes not these days. It's the most recent version, so maybe something else got updated it doesn't agree with. But also my pc is getting old and decrepit, so that could also have something to do with it.

      I go in through Operacast's links, which give you the choice of streams if there is a choice to be made.

    5. That said, I will experiment with your link with vlc on the mac (and thanks for the link!), but the vlc mac interface is really different from the windows version, so it will take some woodshedding to figure it out.

  6. And now, instead of cleaning out closets as I was supposed to be doing this weekend, I am moving opera files around a network of hard drives.

    1. Moving opera files around is a variety of cleaning, though, right? I mean, one is creating order where there was none before, after all

    2. in my style of cleaning we bring in a 2TB new disk :D Stray, given the amount of unofficial requests from my way I could unofficially send an unofficial disk your way.. after all we must preserve those MET Harteros (and whoever one suddenly becomes obsessed with)!

    3. @ earworm, this is very true. otoh, East 3rdFlooria is about to be reoccupied, so analog space must be made for the analog stuff of another.

      @ Anonymous we are arranging things onto a shiny new 2tb drive as we speak :) All opera things are to go on there before the firewire drive and its companions from the Age of Steam go the way of clay tablets...or let's say papyrus, as clay tablets tend to age pretty well, actually.

      That said, next time we meet, if you have an unofficial disk feeling neglected, I'm sure I can find unofficial things to throw on it :)
